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Friends and Family Test.

The NHS Friends and Family Test is an important opportunity for you to give us your feedback on the care and treatment we provide to you.

Your Dentist (required)

Your Age (required)

How would you describe the general level of comfort and freedom from pain in your mouth?

As far as your teeth and mouth are concerned, how would you describe your ability to eat just about anything you like?

Generally how would you describe the appearance of your teeth(including any false teeth)?

How would you rate the skill and competence of your dental team?

How would you rate the standard of cleanliness and hygiene of the dental practice?

How would you describe the attitude of the dental team towards you?

How would you rate the ability of the dental team to explain things to you?

We would like you to think about your recent experiences of our service.

How likely are you to recommend our dental practice to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?
Extremely likelyLikelyNeither likely nor unlikelyUnlikelyExtremely unlikelyDon't know

What was good about the practice?

What would have made your visit better?

Can you tell us why you gave that response?

Comments or suggestions

If you would prefer not to have your answers published please tick

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